Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Catalytic Converter. Description and Operation
Description and Operation
Description Exhaust emissions (CO, HC, NOx) are controlled by a combination of engine modifications and the addition of special control components. Modifications to the combustion chamber, intake manifold, ...
Catalytic Converter. Repair procedures
Removal 1. Remove the exhaust manifold. <a href="content.asp?vehicletype=Passenger&mfrcode=HY&area=HMA&langcode=ENG&modelid=AN13&modelyr=2013&mmctype=en&mmcid=98&group=SHOP&pdftype=&cat1=2013+%3E+G+2%2E4+GDI&ec=&nLocation=2$8_4_8_3&firstnodedesc=Engine+Mechanical+System&sitinfolist=12%5E1235%5E12350400%5Enone%5E801%5E1%5EENG%5EHY%5EAN13%5E2013%5Een%5E98%5Enone%5Enone%5Enone%5ESHOP%5E%24" ...
See also:
Fuel requirements
Your new vehicle is designed to use only unleaded fuel having a pump octane number ((R+M)/2) of 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or higher. Your new vehicle is designed to obtain maximum performance with ...
Overdrive Clutch Control Solenoid Valve(OD/C_VFS). Repair procedures
Inspection 1. Turn ignition switch OFF. 2. Remove the air duct. 3. Disconnect the solenoid valve connector(A). 4. Measure resistance between sensor signal terminal and sensor ground terminal. 5. Check ...
Components and Components Location
Components 1. Front pillar trim 2. Center pillar lower trim 3. Center pillar upper trim 4. Rear pillar trim 5. Cowl side trim 6. Front door scuff trim 7. Rear door scuff trim 8.Front door step trim 9. ...