Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Repair procedures
1. |
After loosening the hinge (A) mounting bolt, adjust the hood (B)
by moving it up or down, or right or left.
2. |
Adjust the hood height by turning the hood overslam bumpers (C).
3. |
After loosening the hood latch (D) mounting bolts, adjust the
latch by moving it up or down, or right or left.
...Hood Assembly. Components and Components Location
Component Location 1. Hood assembly ...See also:
Starter. Repair procedures
Removal 1. Disconnect the battery negative terminal. 2. Remove the air duct and air cleaner assembly. <a href="content.asp?vehicletype=Passenger&mfrcode=HY&area=HMA&langcode=ENG&modelid=AN13&modelyr=2013&mmctype=en&mmcid=98&group=SHOP&pdftype=&cat1=2013+%3E+G+2%2E4+GDI&ec=&nLocation=2$8_4_8_1&firstnodedesc=Engine+Mechanical+System&sitinfolist=12%5E1235%5E12350100%5Enone%5E801%5E1%5EENG%5EHY%5EAN13%5E2013%5Een%5E98%5Enone%5Enone%5Enone%5ESHOP%5E%24" ...
Description and operation
Description System Description Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) analyzes the exterior environment of a vehicle and driver status to provide visibility / display / guide / warning for driving and ...
Input Speed Sensor. Description and Operation
Description Input speed sensor (A) is a vital unit that measures the rate of rotation of the input shaft inside the transaxle and delivers the readings to the Transaxle Control Module(TCM). The sensor ...