Hyundai Santa Fe (DM): Starter. Schematic Diagrams - Starting System - Engine Electrical SystemHyundai Santa Fe (DM): Starter. Schematic Diagrams

Circuit Diagram

Starter. Components and Components Location
Components 1. Front housing 2. Starter solenoid assembly 3. Lever 4. Lever packing 5. Planet shaft assembly 6. Planetary gear assembly 7. Packing 8. Shield 9. Amature assembly 10. Brush holder assembly ...

Starter. Repair procedures
Removal 1. Disconnect the battery negative terminal. 2. Remove the air duct and air cleaner assembly. <a href="content.asp?vehicletype=Passenger&mfrcode=HY&area=HMA&langcode=ENG&modelid=AN13&modelyr=2013&mmctype=en&mmcid=98&group=SHOP&pdftype=&cat1=2013+%3E+G+2%2E4+GDI&ec=&nLocation=2$8_4_8_1&firstnodedesc=Engine+Mechanical+System&sitinfolist=12%5E1235%5E12350100%5Enone%5E801%5E1%5EENG%5EHY%5EAN13%5E2013%5Een%5E98%5Enone%5Enone%5Enone%5ESHOP%5E%24" ...

See also:

Description and Operation
Description Mobile Telemetics System (MTS) Hyundai motor companies are now faced with the task of shifting their paradigm from vehicle-centered services to customer valuecentered services, with the ultimate ...

To temporarily accelerate with the cruise control on
If you want to speed up temporarily when the cruise control is on, depress the accelerator pedal. Increased speed will not interfere with cruise control operation or change the set speed. To return to ...

Multimedia Jack. Schematic Diagrams
Circuit Diagram ...